Wednesday 12 August 2009

Theme Park Fun

A few weeks ago we bought ourselves annual passes to three theme parks. We spent a weekend there, visiting two of them. By far our favourite was seeing the dolphins up close and personal, followed closely by as many scarey rides as we could cram into three days. Greg wasn't that keen on the bigger rides although he did go on a few. We hope we haven't scarred him for life and he won't turn into one of those adults who tells the story about how his parents and siblings traumatised him by dragging him on the Scooby Doo Ride (He kept his eyes firmly closed the ENTIRE time).

This one just swam right up to the childrens' hands to see what they had to offer.

Down-time on the beach in between theme parks

I think this ride is called the corkscrew, for obvious reasons. Olivia, Callum and I are clinging on for dear life in the 4th carriage.

Glad I didn't eat too much lunch before THAT ride!

Towards the end of the day Greg was turning grumpy. He was determined not to enjoy the seal show, in fact threatened to not even watch but he couldn't help taking a peek.

Halfway through the show and the seal is not the only one eating out of their hands. The slapstick humour was right up his street.

1 comment:

SueSwakopmund said...

Tell Greg he is the only wise one amongst you - theme park rides are SCARY!!! Ang, Brian and I went to some big theme park in Australia and I swear I still have whiplash from one of the rides! One can live happily without those rides!!!