Sunday 28 September 2008

September holidays

Just back from a week's camping up the coast. We met up with Mom & Dad, my aunt, Pam, who has just turned 60, and her three sons, some of whom we hadn't seen for up to 13 years.

Camping downunder
A very intricate farm which his great-aunt helped him with
Enjoying the sunshine Boys in from an attempt at fishing

Here's the whole family at an impromptu Indian-themed birthday dinner

Mel & Rob - what can I say?3 not-so little Indians
Our MC Moonsamy, also shaker of the dice during a rowdy game of Cranium
Pam enjoying the 'exploding' flower on yet another birthday cake. We seemed to have one every day, thanks to Mom. Greg gets aquainted with Rob as they work on some art togetherLand of stunning sunsets...and probably sunrises, but we don't see too many of them

Greg turns 5!

Pringles gets a toasting

Golden Girl
Hey! It's me who's 5!
Just what I wished for
So absorbed...and delighted. It was an extended birthday with celebrations at home..
with schoolfriends,in the park with Granny, Grandpa and cousins ,

and a Fireman's birthday party at home a week later...

A houseful of boys

Getting ready for the Fireman's Obstacle Course which was a great hit

Boys not shy

Having a bit of a dance to some great African music down on the river.
Greg insisted on dressing up as Robin Hood for the outing to a Coffee & Chocolate Extravaganza but was rather taken aback by the crowds and the attention he thought his appearance would attract.

Charmaine, your apples reminded me of this scene
at the Exhibition last month.

Not that I plan the hanging of the washing or anything

Tuesday 2 September 2008

A family get-together at a local park

Some tall genes in our family

Olivia with cousin Jens

Olivia tries a close up

We have this old rose bush in our garden that never fails to bloom each year. It survives on absolutely no attention from us and produces the most beautiful fragrant flowers time and time again.

You don't see this at every school fair!

Caught in the act

I came home one rainy afternoon to find the two girls snuggled up together for warmth.

Whose idea of fun was this?

Click on this one to see a larger image

This was on a 'tame' self-guided tour we did recently. Luckily for us there were many motorbikers and a cavalry of 4WDs that came to rescue us. They must have had a good laugh at our expense. We didn't look much like seasoned drivers with our cavoodle and frilly picnic basket on board. Fortunately there was no damage to the car.

The latest on the pupwalk this winter