Monday 19 May 2008

Saturday 10 May 2008

Sometimes we ARE in town

Cal after getting 2nd place in backstroke at the school carnival.Early morning musings About to go to the Virgin Hangar Ball
having our own ball at home
They really are quite fond of each other

Pushing 40

Well if I can't sing Happy Birthday to me then at least let me conduct it.
Birthdays are so much fun!Especially if they bring a tear to the eye
and a 3 hour lunch for 2 just adds to it... not to mention the view from our table

Friday 9 May 2008

April Antics

We had such a great time down the coast over Easter we decided to head south again to a holiday house on the water. The 6 days of rain did not deter us from having fun and we had some beautiful outings on the boat and trips into the national parks. Millie came along and proved herself a great family dog. She is an angel in the car, loves boating, the beach, splashing in the waves, playing fetch and disguising herself in the sand.

We did a few dolphin spotting trips at sundown and got very excited when one swam under our boat but it was difficult to get a picture of them. These namesake discoveries were a nice surprise for each of them.

Finally, one above the legal length!


I love these next 3 shots of the children. They were so absorbed in the rockpools and could have spent hours there. The only girl (apart from Mum) who is allowed to kiss me

Bet you can't do this with your tongue!Serious drinking business
Just to show those of you in colder climates that we do occasionally have to wear long sleeves

Tuesday 6 May 2008

An outing in March

Don't know who is more of a softie, him or her

Olivia on one of her school's 'extra' mural activities. The great part is the parents get to join in on some of them. Malcolm braved the saddle this time.
At one of the country markets near the stables

The closest these two will ever get to cuddling

These late nights out are just too much for me
My Easter Eggs won't even fit in this basket!
The girls enjoying an early morning walk - Easter weekendBreakfast at our rather 'shonky' shack.
Not that the boys minded